Kyrgyz archaeo blog

Tandyr research – a presentation on EAA Rome

Tandyr research – a presentation on EAA Rome

The regular meeting of European Archaeologists (EAA) took place in Rome this year. The Czech team from southern Kyrgyzstan presented ethnoarchaeological research on the production, distribution and use of tandyrs as a traditional craft in Central Asia (session 505: Ethnographies of Makers and Making: Traditional Craft and Technology in Contemporary Societies). Read more about Tandyr research – a presentation on EAA Rome

Animal bones and other archaeozoological remains from Ak-Dzhar, Southern Kyrgyzstan

Animal bones and other archaeozoological remains from Ak-Dzhar, Southern Kyrgyzstan

Animal bone remains from Kyrgyz sites are rarely published, so studying material from Ak-Dzhar near Osh can provide valuable information for understanding past and present communities. In the case of Ak-Dzhar, animal bones and other vertebrate remains were recovered mainly by hand-collecting of archaeological sondages; in a few cases, samples from the archaeological fills wereRead more about Animal bones and other archaeozoological remains from Ak-Dzhar, Southern Kyrgyzstan[…]

Archaeobotany on the Silk Road, research results in southern Kyrgyzstan

Archaeobotany on the Silk Road, research results in southern Kyrgyzstan

The Silk Road is one of the most famous trade routes, which is necessarily associated not only with the exchange of goods and knowledge, but also with cultural customs and cultivated crops. The waypoints on this relatively branched route served as a kind of centers, on whose development it is possible to follow its dynamics.Read more about Archaeobotany on the Silk Road, research results in southern Kyrgyzstan[…]