Czech Archaeological Expedition in Kyrgyzstan

Czech Archaeological Expedition in Kyrgyzstan

Archaeological survey in the Osh region in southern Kyrgyzstan is organized as part of the scientific and educational collaboration between Osh State University and the University of West Bohemia, and in cooperation with the National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex Sulaiman-Too. MA and PhD students of archaeology from the University of West Bohemia as well as undergraduate and post-graduate students of history from Osh State University participate in the survey and documentation, which is organized as an educational activity supervised by National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Our Team

Pavel Vařeka
Pavel Vařeka
Professor at Pilsen Uni, archaeologist, teamleader
Samara Osmonova
Samara Osmonova
Professor, Osh state University
Sydyk Smadiarov
Sydyk Smadiarov
Professor, Osh state University
Lenka Lisá
Lenka Lisá
Geologists, Czech Academy of Sciences
Zdenka Vařeková
Zdenka Vařeková
Professor, Uni Pilsen
Atilla Vatansever
Atilla Vatansever
Heart and soul of expedition
Jozef Chajbullin Koštial
Jozef Chajbullin Koštial
GIS, databases and other boring things...

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